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When it comes to Halloween, these dogs are scaredy-cats


It’s Halloween! We love this festa (fes-ta) holiday because mamma loves it! Here in the country mamma tells us non è così divertente (non a co-zee d-vair-tent-a) it’s not as much fun as it used to be and she doesn’t put up many decorazioni (dek-or-ah-zee-oh-nee) decorations because we are at the end of a long road and only a few kids come to say dolcetto o scherzetto (dol-chet-o o scare-zet-o) trick or treat. In Delaware, where she lived for many years, she told us she had almost 100 trick-or-treaters who would come to
her house.

Sara la piccola sirena (Sara the little mermaid).

She told us she and papà had the best decorations! They set up a graveyard and had scary life-size fantasmi (fahn-ta-smee) ghosts and folletti (foal-let-e) goblins which were electronic so hanno mosso i loro corpi (ah-no mo-so e lor-o kor-pea) they moved their bodies and hanno fatto dei suoni orribili (ah-no fa-toe day soo-oh-nee or-e-be-lee) they made horrible sounds. Many kids did not want to walk through this to get a candy bar but most of them did. We also know our big sister Sara had a new costume every year. Mamma’s favorite was the sirena (see-ray-na) mermaid costume nonna bought for Sara. It had a reg wig but that would not stay on Sara’s little head!

Mamma doesn’t put up as many decorations as she once did because we are at the end of a long road.

So, we were wondering why we have never worn costumes, and we asked Mamma to show us some we could wear just for fun. One was a country rider on a horse which would be good because we have a horse brother. Another was a banana which would almost match with my fur color. Then then was a costume di sicurezza (ko-stew-may d see-cure-eh-za) security costume which would work for Darla since she is our first security alert when anyone comes near the house.

We would also both look cute in a prison costume because our porch has posts all around with a gate to keep us in. Several times a day we also do una pattuglia della zampa (ooh-na pa-two-ye-ah del-la zahm-pa)
paw patrol in our backyard and that would work too. And what would Halloween be
without una zucca (ooh-na zoo-ka) a pumpkin!
This is also a popular costume for dogs. Mamma told us she saw at least 40 trendy outfits for dogs on one site and erano tutti così carini (air-ah-no two-tea ko-zee ka-ree-nee) they were all very cute!

Alas, it is not to be. We will not wear any costumes because Darla is afraid of strangers and if we go out, I am afraid of other things. But we do wish all of you a buon Halloween!

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