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UNICO celebrates season in Rehoboth, donates proceeds to charity


Members and friends of UNICO assemble for a group portrait at the Christmas party.

REHOBOTH BEACH – A festa d’autunno – fall festival – to celebrate the season and to continue UNICO’s goals of charity and service to others, was held on Nov. 12 at St. Edmond Parish Hall.

In keeping with UNICO’s goal of promoting Italian heritage and culture, the meal featured baked ziti, chicken parmigiano, salad and rolls (provided by Nicola’s Pizza), and home-baked cookies and pizzelles, made by Rehoboth Area Chapter members.

The $1,800 proceeds from this project were donated to a local St. Vincent de Paul Society to help aid with food and utility bills for local residents in need.

Members and friends who attended the had the opportunity to win a selection of raffle items: flowers, food, wine, and variety baskets.

Recent winter programs included a Christmas party at the King’s Creek Country Club. For the future, an Italian Film Night is planned for January, and a celebration of “Carnevale” in February.

For information on these and other UNICO programs contact unicodelawaredistrict1@gmail.com.

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