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Surnames and Their Origins – September 2022


This month our surname features names that begin with the letter Q.

QUAGLIA – This surname derives from the Italian word “quaglia,” meaning quail. It is registered in the bureaus of vital statistics in all 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Piemonte and least appears in Basilicata. Variations: Quagliata.

QUARANTA – This surname derives from the Italian word “Quaranta,” which means the number 40 and derives from the Latin word “quadraginta.” The most accepted theory is that the surname spread following the cult of the Forty Martyrs of Salerno, a medieval historical event. In Salerno in the 11th century, 40 pilgrims returning from the Holy Land under the leadership of a Norman managed to drive the Saracens away. Initially the leader was called “Dei Quaranta,” a nickname that later spread to his descen-dants. It is registered in the bureaus of vital statistics in all 20 regions. In Campania, the Quaranta family is listed among the Neapolitan noble families. Variations: Quarantelli, Quarantini, Quaranto.

QUARTAROLI – This surname is registered in only eight of the 20 regions. It is most prevalent Veneto and least found in Le Marche.

QUERCIA – This surname derives from the Italian word “quercia,” which means oak tree. It is registered in the bureaus of vital statistics in all 20 regions. The exception is Val d’Aosta.

QUERIN – This surname is one of the surname exceptions that ends in a consonant. This is probably because of the nine regions where it is registered with vital statistics, with the exception of Lazio and Le Marche, the other seven regions are the northern most regions of the country

QUATTROCCI – This surname derives from the Italian words “quattro,” which means the number 40, and “occhi,” which means “eyes.” It is one of the most common Italian surnames that begins with the letter Q. It is registered with vital statistics in 17 regions. It is most prevalent in Sicilia and least found in Val d’Aosta. It is not present in Molise, Basilicata and Sardegna.

QUILICI – This surname is not represented very much on the peninsula being registered with vital statistics in only 11 regions and sparsely at that.

QUINTO – This surname derives from the Italian word “quinto,” which means “fifth.” It is registered in the bureaus of vital statistics in all 20 regions. Though it is widespread over the entire country, the numbers per region are sparse. The region where it is most prevalent is Basilicata and least found in Sardegna. Variations: Quintilliani.

In the next issue, we return to Italian surnames that start with the letter C for a special surname feature.

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