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Surnames and Their Origins – October 2021


This month’s surname column features surnames that start with the letter C, and for a special reason. Since October is the month that Italian-Americans celebrate Columbus Day and it is the month officially recognized as Italian Heritage Month, this month we look at an array of given names and surnames derived from the famous navigator’s name, Christopher Columbus, in Italian Cristoforo Columbo.

The English rendition of Colombo, Columbus, is as it would have been written in ancient Rome. The word Columbus means dove in Latin. Because the Latin –us ending becomes -o in Italian, his Italian name becomes Colombo and found on any Italian legal document bearing his name. As a surname, it started as being associated with merchants that raised and sold doves and then passed on as a surname to their descen-dants. The spread of forms of Colombo as a given name is attributed to the religious association of the dove as the symbol of the “Holy Spirit.” It became a term of endearment and love, like the English term “dear” and subsequently people began naming their children Colombina, Columbella.

Over the centuries, the surname Columbo and its related surnames have spread throughout Italy, some forms being analogous to a region. Here are just a few: Colomba, Columbo, Colombro, Colom-bani, Colombetti, Colombrino, Colombini, Colombazzi.

Columbus’ first name Christopher means Christ-bearer. It was used by early Christians as a way of expressing that they carried Christ in their hearts. By the Middle Ages, literal interpretations of the name’s etymology led to legends about a St. Christopher who carried the young Jesus across a river. He had come to be regarded as the patron saint of travelers.

Given that Latin came into usage centuries before Christ’s birth, the word or name Chris-topher does not trace roots to Latin. However, once Emperor Constantine issued the “Edict of Milan” in 313 A.D. declaring Christianity legal and official in the Roman Empire, the word Christopher began to see a spread of its Latinized and Italianized versions. Given that Italian would never use a ph combination to get an f sound, and h in Italian in cases is optional, in Italian the word and given name usage, evolved into Cristofaro.

As for its current-day presence in Italy, Colombo is the seventh most common surname in Italy. It is registered with
the Bureau of Statistics in all 20 regions. However, it is most common in the Lombar-dia region, not Christopher Columbus’ native Liguria. Liguria ranks third after second- ranking Piedmont. It is least common in Abruzzo. The six surnames in order that are more common than Colombo are Rossi, Russo, Ferrari, Esposito, Bianchi, and Romano.
The status of the surname of the Italian for whom America is named Amerigo Vespucci. The surname still exists in Italy, but sparsely in 15 regions. Mostly in Puglia. It is not present in Basilicata, Marche, Molise, Trenti-no-alto Adige or Val d’Aosta.

You can research your surname on these two websites:

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