This issue’s featured surnames continue with additional surnames beginning with the letter V.
VERRATTO – This surname derives from the Verrino river in Molise. The river’s name derives from the Latin word “verrus,” meaning a male pig used for reproduction. This surname is only present in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in nine of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most present in Molise’s northern neighbor, Abruzzo. Variation: VERRATTI.
VERRECCHIA – This surname also derives from the Latin word “verrus.” It evolved into a surname for someone that worked with pigs. It is present in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in 14 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Lazio and least in Calabria. Variations: VERRECCHIO, VERROCCHIO, VERRETTA, VERRETTI, VERRICELLO, VERRICELLI, VERRENA.
VIELMI – This surname derives from the first name Guglielmo which comes from the German name consisting of “wilian,” meaning will, and “hëlma,” meaning helmet. This surname is only present in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in 11 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in the region of Lombardia. Variations: VIELMETTI, VIELMINI.
VIERI – This surname derives from the first name Oliviero. It is present in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in 12 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in the region of Tuscany.
VIRGA – This surname derives from the word “verga,” meaning stick used by shepherds and farmers. It probably evolved into a surname for someone’s ancestors who were shepherds, farmers and farmhands. It is most prevalent in Sicily and least in Trentino Alto-Adige.
VIRRINA – This surname also derives from the Latin word “verrus” meaning male pig. It is very uncommon with very low numbers center in parts of Lazio and Abruzzo. Variation: VIRRINI.
VESPA – This surname derives from the Italian word “vespa,” meaning wasp. This surname is present in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in 19 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most present in Lazio. The one region where it is not registered is Val d’Aosta. Variations: VESPONE, VESPINI, VESPUCCI.
VESTINI – This surname derives from the ancient italic population Vestini, located in the area between Pescara and Atri in the Abruzzo region. This surname is present in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in only seven of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Campania and least in Piemonte.
VILLA – This surname derives from the Latin word “villa,” used in the Middle Ages for a small village. This surname is present in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in all of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Lombardia and least in Molise. Variations: VILETTI, VILLINO, VILLOTTA, VILLONE, VILLASCO, VILLATA.
VINCELLI – This surname probably derives from the Latin word “vinco,” meaning wicker; also derived from the Latin and Italian verb “vincere,” meaning to win. This surname is present in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in 15 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Molise.
VINCENZI – This surname derives from the first name Vincenzo, derived from the Latin “vincens” meaning the winner. This surname is present in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in 19 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Emilia-Romagna and least in Val d’Aosta. The region that is missing is Basilicata.