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Surnames and Their Origins – May 2022


PINTO – This surname derives from the Italian adjective “dipinto,” meaning painted, already used as a nickname in the Middle Ages. It is among the leading surnames in Italy, recorded in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in all of Italy’s 20 regions. It has its largest presence in Puglia and least in Val d’Aosta.

PIROCCHI – This surname derives from the Abruzzo and Molise dialect word “peroccha,” meaning stick; also derived from the Calabria and Sicily dialect word “piroc-chio,” meaning common louse, mean. It is among the lesser surnames in Italy recorded in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in only eight of Italy’s 20 regions.

PISANO – This surname derives from the town of Pisa in the Tuscany region. It also is among the leading surnames in Italy, recorded in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in all of Italy’s 20 regions. It has its largest presence in Sardegna and least in Umbria. Variations: Pisa, Pisani, Pisano, Pisanello, Pisaniello.

PESCI – This surname derives from the Italian word “pesce,” meaning fish. It is a common surname in Italy, recorded in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in 18 of Italy’s 20 regions. The two regions where it is not present are Basilicata and Molise. Variations: Pescio, Piscitelli, Pescetto, Pescini, Pescione, Pesciolini, Pisciella.

PISEGNA – This surname derives from the Greek word “pisos,” meaning irrigated place. Maybe it has more presence in a varia-tion form in Greece, because it has a very small presence in Italy. It is among the lesser surnames in Italy, recorded in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in only five of Italy’s 20 regions. Variations: Pisegni, Pisegno

PISTILLI – This surname derives from the word “pistillo,” meaning pistil flower. It is a surname recorded in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in all of Italy’s 20 regions, but in very small numbers.

PIZZOFERRATO –This surname derives from the name of the Abruzzese town of Pizzoferrato in the province of Chieti, which in turn is derived from the word “pizzo” meaning high summit, peak. This surname is not common, being present in only 11 regions in sparse numbers. Variations: Pizzo, Pizzi.

PIZZUTO – This surname derives from the South Italy adjective “pizzuto,” meaning pointed, sharp. It is a somewhat common surname in Italy, recorded in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in 18 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most present in Sicilia and least in Trentino- Alto Adige. The two regions where it is not registered are Sardegna and Val d’Aosta.

PLESCIA – This surname derives from the Latin word “plexa,” meaning twisted or from the Albania word “plesht,” meaning flea. This surname is not common being present in only 12 regions in sparse numbers. It is most present in Sicilia and least in Calabria.

POLIDORI – This surname is from the first name Polidoro, derived from the Greek first name Polydoros, consisting of “polys,” meaning a lot, and “doron,” meaning gift. This surname is present in 19 of Italy’s 20 regions. The sole region that shows no presence is Sicilia. Variation: Polidoro.

You can research your surname on these two websites:

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