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Surnames and Their Origins – June 2024


In this issue we finish with Italian surnames that start with the letter V and move on to those beginning with the letter Z.

VINCIGUERRA – This surname is derived from two Italian words “vincere” meaning to win and “guerra” meaning war. It is registered in the Bureaus of Vital Statistics in all of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Sicily and least in Val d’Aosta and Sardinia. Variations: VINCIMALA, VINCIMALI, VINCIPROVA.

VISCO – This surname is derived from the Italian word “vescovo” meaning bishop which in turn is from the Greek “episkopos.” It is registered in the Bureaus of Vital Statistics in 19 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Campania and least registered in Trentino Alto-Adige. It is not found in Val d’Aosta. Variations: VESCO, VESCHI, VISCHI, VISCOVO.

VITALE – This surname is derived from the first name Vitale, derived from the Latin greeting “Vitalis” meaning one who gives life or who will live well. It is registered in the Bureaus of Vital Statistics in all of Italy’s 20 regions in big numbers. It is most prevalent in Campania and least registered in Val d’Aosta.

VITELLI – This surname is derived from the Italian word “vitello” meaning veal and also derived from the first name Vito. It is registered in the Bureaus of Vital Statistics in 19 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Lazio and least registered in Val d’Aosta. It is not found in Molise.

VOLPE – This surname is derived from the Italian word “volpe” meaning fox and also a nickname for either a physical or character feature. It is registered in the Bureaus of Vital Statistics in all of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Campania and least registered in Val d’Aosta. Variations: VOLPI, VULPI, VOLPELLA, VOLPICELLA, VOLPINI, VOLPONI, VOLPATI.

ZABATINO – This surname is derived from the Italian word “Sabato” meaning Saturday. It is very rare and was originally given to children born on that day of the week. It is registered in the Bureaus of Vital Statistics in only five of Italy’s 20 regions. They are Sicily, Piemonte,Veneto, Lombardia and Basilicata.

ZACCARDI – This surname is derived from the first name Zaccaria or from the Neapolitan dialect word “zaccaro” meaning boy. It is registered in the Bureaus of Vital Statistics in 18 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Abruzzo and absent from Calabria and Val d’Aosta. Variations: ZACCHI, ZACCHELLI, ZACCHETTI, ZACCONI.

Zacomo – This surname derives from the first name Giacomo, Giacobo, Giacopo or Giacobbe, which all came from the Hebrew “Yaaquob” meaning God has protected. It is a very rare surname, but numerous Italians have it as a first name.

Zappa – This surname derives from the Italian word “zappa” meaning hoe. It is connected to the job of farmers and is registered in the Bureaus of Vital Statistics in 18 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most prevalent in Lombardia and least in Sardinia and absent from statistics of Basilicata and Molise. Variations: ZAPPACOSTA, ZAPPALORTO, ZAPPATERRA, ZAPPAVIGNA, ZAPPULLAM ZAPPAROLI, ZAPPATORE, ZAPPITELLI, ZAPPI.

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