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Surnames and Their Origins – April 2024


In this issue we continue with Italian surnames that begin with the letter V.

VASILE – This surname derives from the first name Basilio, from the Latin “Basilius” and from the Greek “basilieios,” meaning of the king. It is registered with vital statistics in 17 of Italy’s regions. It appears in these statistics that this surname is most prevalent in Sicily, which can be attributed to Sicily’s centuries old ties to Greece. It is least recorded in Basilicata.

VECCHIA – This surname derives from the Italian adjective “Vecchio,” meaning old. Originally it probably indicated children of old parents. It is registered with vital statistics in all 20 of Italy’s regions. It is most prevalent in Veneto and is least recorded in Val d’Aosta. Variations: VECCHINI, VECCHIONI.

VENEROSO – The origin of this surname is not clear. It is probably from the old Abbey of San Giovanni in Venere, in the Abruzzo region, or from the cult of Saint Venerio or Saint Veneranda. It is registered with vital statistics in 12 of Italy’s regions, mostly in the Campania region. Variations: VENERANDA, VENERIO.

VENDITTI – This surname derives from the the first name Benedetto meaning blessed, from the Latin verb “benedicere,” meaning to bless. It is registered with vital statistics in all 20 of Italy’s regions. It appears in these statistics that this surname is most prevalent in Lazio and least recorded in Basilicata. Variations: VENDETTO, VENDITTO.

VENEZIANI – This surname derives from the city of Venezia, or in English Venice. It used to indicate someone from Venice or from the Veneto region. It is registered with vital statistics in 19 of Italy’s regions. It appears in these statistics that this surname is most prevalent in Emilia-Romagna and least recorded in Molise. Not registered in Basilicata. Variations: VENEZIALE, VENEZIANO.

VENTRESCA – This surname derives from the dialect word “ventresca,” meaning dressed pork product. It is registered with vital statistics in only nine of Italy’s regions. It appears in these statistics that this surname is most prevalent in Abruzzo and least recorded in Sicily. Variation: VENTRESCO.

VENTURA – This surname derives from the Italian word “ventura,” meaning good fortune. It is also an abbreviation of the first name Bonaventura. It is registered with vital statistics in all 20 of Italy’s regions but is most prevalent in Lombardia and is least recorded in Val d’Aosta. Variations: VENTURI, VENTURINI, VENTURATO, VENTUROLI.

VERARDI – This surname derives from the German first name “Verardo”, consisting of “waria,” meaning army or “wara,” meaning to protect or to defend. It is registered with vital statistics in 19 of Italy’s regions. It appears in these statistics that this surname is most prevalent in Puglia. It is not present in Molise. 

VERDI – This surname derives from the word “verde,” meaning green. It is registered with vital statistics in all 20 of Italy’s regions. It is most prevalent in Lombardia and is least recorded in Molise. Variations: VERDECCHIA, VERDACCI, VERDONE, VERDELLI.

VERGOTTI ­­– This surname derives from the word “verga,” meaning stick used by shepherds and farmers. It is registered with vital statistics sparsely in only two of Italy’s regions, Veneto and Lombardia. Variations: VERGONE, VERGARI, VERGANO.

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