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Surnames and Their Origins – April 2022


PETTI – This surname derives from the Italian word “petto,” meaning breast, or from the origin of a place called Petto, like Pettorano in Abruzzo or Pettoranello in Molise. Though in small numbers, it appears in the vital statistics in 19 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is most present in Campania and least in Trentino-Alto Adige. It is not present in the Val D’Aosta region.

PICCIANO – This surname derives from the name of the town of Picciano in the Abruzzese province of Pescara. It is present in only 13 regions, mostly in Molise and least in Veneto. Variations: Picciani, Picciana.

PICCININI – This surname derives from the Italian word “piccino,” meaning little, little baby, etc. It was used as a nickname a short person. It appears in the vital statistics in 19 of I regions. It is mostly present in Emilia-Romagna and least in Basilicata. It is not present in the Val D’Aosta region. Variations: Piccirilli, Piccini.

PICCIONI – This surname derives from the Italian word “piccione,” meaning pigeon. It appears in the vital statistics in 19 of Italy’s 20 regions. It is mostly present in Lazio and least in Sicilia. Basilicata is the lone region where there is no presence. Variations: Piccioni, Piccione.

PIERDOMENICO – This surname derives from the two first names Pietro and Domenico. It appears in the vital statistics in only 11 of the 20 regions, all of which are in the central and northern regions of Italy. Variations: Pierdomenici, Pierdominici.

PIERFELICE – This surname derives from the two first names Pietro and Felice. It appears in the vital statistics in only 10 of the 20 regions, almost of which are in the northern regions of Italy and down along the peninsula’s western coast. Variations: Pierfelici, Pierfeliciano.

PIERSANTI – This surname derives from the two first names Pietro and Santo. It appears in the vital statistics in only 16 of the 20 regions. The four regions that do not have a presence are Molise, Val D’Aosta, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Liguria.

PIETRANTONI –This surname derives from the two first names Pietro and Antonio. It also appears in the vital statistics in only 16 of the 20 regions. The four regions that do not have a presence are all in the southern part of the country. They are Molise, Puglia, Calabria and Basilicata.

PIETRANOIA – This surname derives from the Latin “petra rubea,” meaning red stone. It indicates a place the family’s origins are. This surname is very sparsely present. In fact, its only is presence is in six regions.

PIETRO –This surname derives from the first name Pietro, the Italian equivalent of Peter. It is very uncommon as a surname. It is present in only seven regions and with the number of families with Pietro as a surname in the single digits. Without question, it is much more a first name rather than a surname.

PINELLI – This surname derives from the first name Pino, which is a diminutive of Giuseppe. This surname is very present appearing in all 20 regions. It is most registered with vital statistics in Emilia-Romagna and least in Basilicata. Variations: Pinello, Pino, Pinato.

You can research your surname on these two websites:

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