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Sara Fa un Viaggio di Natale!


By Jeanne Outlaw-Cannavo

As Christmas approaches Sara recalls her first her first trip to America.

Something is going on! There is lots of hustle and bustle in our house, all these bright and shiny addobbi (decorations) all over the apartment and Mamma and Nonna put up this green tree in the living room. Mi piace guardarlo (I like to look at it) because it has shiny balls and luci (lights) but Mamma warned me non posso giocare (I can’t play) with them.

Oggi (today) Mamma and Nonna are home and something is happening because they are putting stuff in valigie (suitcases) and very excited. I am a little worried because I think it means they are leaving. But wait, tonight Mamma told me we are taking un viaggio (a trip) and I am going too! I love to take trips! I have already taken il treno (the train) into Rome several times and love all the attention I get. I went to sleep early with Mamma and before I knew it she woke me up when it was still dark out and told me it was time to leave.

Now we are at the stazione Termini and Nonna is carrying me while we get on another train to the aeroporto. It is a short trip and now I am walking through the terminal. We have to go through security and wait to board a plane. Sono nervosa (I am nervous) because I have never flown before and I know I have to go in a carrier but I will be right next to Mamma and Nonna. Meno male (thank goodness) I am piccola (small) and allowed on the plane. Ma quanto tempo ci vuole! How much time does this take? I want out! Finally we get off and run through another airport for the next flight and Nonna finds a place so I can fare i bisogni (go potty) and then we are on another plane. I go to sleep after Mamma feeds me and finally we land again.

Ma dove siamo? (Where are we?) I hear someone say benvenuti a Filadelfia (welcome to Philadelphia) and then after a bit more time I am on my leash again and we are in a car with Nonno. Now the real fun starts because I get to meet my American cousins Spoodi and Addy and play tutto il giorno (all day).  We all love to play in la neve (the snow) and then fare un pisolino (take a little nap).

In the house where we are staying there is another big tree but this time underneath are many presents. Are any for me? Tonight I met Babbo Natale (Santa Claus) and sat in his lap. He told me I have been a very good girl and will be very happy domani mattina (tomorrow morning).

E vero! (it’s true) This morning I opened several packages and got new toys and even some treats. I miss Frosinone but I am happy to be here with Mamma and the rest of my family. Adoro Natale! (I love Christmas!)

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo a tutti! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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