Qualche settimana fa (kwal-k-seh-tee-mah-na fa) Just a few weeks ago we went with mamma, papà and i nostril nonni (e no-stree no-knee) our grandparents to...
During a recent giorno tempestoso (tem-pes-toe-so) stormy day, when Darla and I were bored because we could not go outside, mamma put on un programma...
This month Darla and I learned all about cioccolato ed amore (cho-ko-lah-toe ed ah-more-a) chocolate and love. About two weeks ago mamma and papà took...
Change can be spaventoso (spa-vent-o-so) scary, but anything becomes less scary when you have someone by your side. Last year was pieno (pea-a-no) full of...