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  • JellyKelly


Feast Day Celebration Honors St. Anthony

The St. Anthony DiPadova Society will be sponsoring their 95th Annual Feast Day Celebration to honor their patron on Sunday, June 4, 2017. The 95th...

Surnames and Their Origins

Italian-American Herald This month our Italian surname feature will begin its coverage of surnames beginning with the letter “D.” In doing the research that is...

Italian Made Fun & Simple

I thought it best that we review prepositions from the start given that we have been doing holiday lessons and that prepositions in Italian, as in...

Sara gets new toys while visiting her momma’s family

By Jeanne Outlaw-Cannavo Mamma said that today we will be traveling from our appartamento in Frosinone to Graniti in Sicily where mamma’s family lives. Mamma...

More to explore from Emilia-Romagna region than Lambrusco

It is perhaps Italy’s oldest family of grapes, but Reunite tarnished its image By Frank Cipparone In a nation that has pride in its cuisine,...

Preparing truly tasty tagliatelle in Tuscany

By Murray Schulman In last month’s issue, you saw that our time in Positano had drawn to a close. We felt a bit saddened at...

Apre il primo museo del Fiore, è a Sanremo

SANREMO — Più di cento anni di floricoltura sanremese: dai primi brevetti in Italia, alle storiche immagini della vita nei campi, passando per i vecchi...

Principessa d’Orleans apre villa Principe a Genova

GENOVA — Il Trust Floridi Doria Pamphilj apre al pubblico la parte più intima dell’appartamento della Principessa nella Villa del Principe a Genova: due stanze...

Big springtime doings in Glenside, Thornton, Lansdowne

By Barbara Ann Zippi Co-owners Marc Petrosino and Michael Latini of Monkey Boys Productions located in a former steel warehouse in Glenside, Pa., are puppeteers,...

UNICO chapters gather food for Rehoboth-area

Italian-American Herald The UNICO Chapters of Delaware District 1 sponsored a “St. Joseph’s Table” to celebrate La Festa di San Giuseppe, a centuries old-tradition to...

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