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Pasqua in Sicilia con mamma e sua famiglia


By Sara and Mamma Melissa Cannavo-Marino
Sembra (It seems) that Carnevale was just ieri (yesterday). E gia` sta arrivando Pasqua (And already Easter is about to arrive.) Di nuovo mamma, nonna, e nonno dicono che si va in Siciila per celebrare il period di Pasqua per la prima volta in li` con I parenti. (Again mommy, grandmom and granddad say we are going to Sicily, this time to celebrate Eastertime for the first time there with relatives). Non posso decidere ancora (I can’t decide yet) which holiday in Italy is my favorite but io so (I know) that the celebration of Pasquetta (Little Easter) is among my top five because it involves three of le mie cose preferite (my favorite things) including spending the day with friends, a car trip and cibo (food)! However, what will it be like this year in Sicily?
Mamma, nonno and nonna I get on our way and arrive in Sicily on Domenica delle Palme (Palm Sunday). Come sempre (as always) the relatives greet us with great fanfare. La Settimana Santa (Holy Week) is rather somber and quiet. Easter finally arrives and the family gathers for a super Easter dinner. It was fun and the food was really good. But, tomorrow is Pasquetta and dopo pranzo (after lunch) the family begins to talk about the food we will take for our scampagnata (picnic). Pasquetta arrives and we are carrying everything to the car for our viaggio (trip) to the family farm in them mountains so we can picnic in campagna (in the countryside). Since cousin Salvatore is in charge of the farm he knows a great spot to picnic. So after we all buckle in the car seat and I snuggle up in Mamma’s grembo (lap), we take off.
The first stop is Cousin Tanina’s pasticceria (pastry shop) to pick up dessert (including some cuddura cu l’ova (a braided sweet bread with a dyed egg baked in it.) There’s lots of other great dolci (pastries) too! Mi fa impazzire (it makes me crazy) to smell all the great scents in the car but I am soon busy looking out la finestra (the window) at the scenery. La strada (the road) curves up around the mountain range until we arrive close to the top and park near our picnic spot. Soon the barbecue is going and la carne (the meat) is grilling while Mamma and I explore the area. It’s very rocky so I have to be careful, but I am having fun until a herd of big cows walks by us. I bark at them but Mamma shushes me and tells me to behave.
Soon the blankets are spread and everyone enjoys the feast and talks and laughs. Mamma lets me have a little bit of salsiccia (sausage) and un pezzetino di cuddura (a little piece of the egg bread). When the sun starts to go down it gets cold and we get ready to leave.
At home before bed Mamma reads me a wonderful story about Easter and I fall asleep sognando di una bella giornata (dreaming of a beautiful day).

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