By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and Sara
Ciao amici (chow ah-me-chee) Hello friends! I am so excited for the new year because there are so many new adventures to come. Sto vivendo (stow vee-ven-doh) I am living in a new home and although I was sad at first to leave my second home, I have nuovi posti (new-oh-vee poe-stee) new places to explore, unfamiliar places to visit and new friends to play with!
Quando ero piccola (kwan-do air-o pee-ko-lah) when I was little, I lived with mamma in an apartment in the city of Frosinone in Italy. When mamma told me we were moving back to the states I was about 7 years old.
I wasn’t too worried because I had visited numerous times with mamma over the years. I also had my two cousins Spoodi and Addy to play with. Spoodi was a border collie and Addy was a puggle and we had fun together. They are both gone now and mi mancano molto (me mahnk-ah-no mole-toe) I miss them very much. When we came to Delaware mamma met papà and they got married and we moved to a house in the suburbs.
There I had a big backyard and many parks to walk in and I traveled many places with mamma and papà. When they worked, I spent my days with nonna and nonno so I would not be lonely. Then last year mamma and papà told me we were moving to the country and that they were going to adopt due cavalli (do-ay ka-val-ee) two horses to live with us.
I wasn’t too worried about moving as long as mamma and papà were with me and that they brought all my toys. Now we are settled in, and I love my new home. It is warm and accogliente (ah-coal-yente) cozy and there is a much bigger yard and various new smells. Papà told me they might even get chickens. That should be fun!
It is quieter here than my old house but there are some new sights and sounds. Every day le campane (lay cam-pahn-a) the bells from a nearby church play a song. Right now, they are playing Christmas songs and it is a beautiful sound. I also see more cervi (chair-vee) deer. The only thing I don’t like is the large turkey vultures. I am scared of them and mamma and papà will not let me outside without them.
The best part is mamma is working from home, so she is always with me. Sometimes I get bored while she is working so I take a nap in the warm sun. Mamma thinks it is carino (kah-ree-no) cute and when I wake up, she tells me, “Sara, you were sleeping on the job!
Then it’s time to curl up before a toasty fire and watch a movie before bed. Soon spring will be here and there will be new things to see and do. Sometimes it is hard to move away but if I have mamma and papà I will always be okay.
I wish you all buon anno and many wonderful days this year!