Autumn is in full swing, and Darla and I are happy the days are cooler and there are new smells to discover and beautiful fall colors to enjoy. There are many fun outdoor activities you can enjoy this time of year, and we are happy to give you some of our suggestions.
Visit a nearby fattoria (fa-tor e-ah) farm or a fall festival which offer enjoyable fall activities. They may have un labirinto di mais (oon la-beer-een-to d my-ees) a corn maze, apple slingshots, raccolta di zucche (rah-coal-tay d zoo-kay) pumpkin picking, petting zoos, straw jumps, nature walks and much more. A big favorite for children and adults is un giro sul carro di fieno (oon jeer-o sool car-oh d fee-a-no) a hayride when you can sit on benches or bales of hay in a cart pulled by a tractor and ride through the woods or through farmlands. Sometimes you can stop to pick apples or pumpkins during these rides. And if you like scary things some of hayrides and corn mazes are set up so you will get a boo-tiful surprise!
Don’t forget to enjoy some fall food and drinks as well. Sidro di mele (see-dro d mel-a) Apple cider is very popular this time of year and you can also enjoy special pies, donuts and pastries with flavors and colors that celebrate the season.
You can also make crafts out of fall items you can find in nature. If you do gather a collection of leaves you could make a hanging mobile or use them to make un dipinto autunnale (oon de-peen-to aw-to-nal-a) a fall painting. If you pick alcune mele (al-koon-a mel-a) some apples you can take them home to make a delicious apple pie or you can pick pumpkins to paint, decorate
or carve.
We plan to go check out the falling leaves and fall decorations with mamma and papà this weekend, but we will not be going anywhere near any ghost tours or spooky rides because we are two scaredy dogs! Well, Darla would like this but we have to do everything together so she will just have to miss it. But you don’t, so have fun!