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Native American organization regards Columbus as a courageous explorer, not a conqueror


Honoring the motto “Educate, Not Eradicate,” the Native American Guardians Association stands proudly with the Italian American community, choosing to honor their great visionary Christopher Columbus as an “explorer” not a conqueror. He was not interested in conquest; but to discover for the first time a westerly sea route to the far east, thereby advancing trade in the world. Columbus ventured into the totally unknown, sailing out to sea, an “explorer “putting his life on the line to find out the “truth” and to explore sea trade routes to China, India, and the gold spice islands of Asia only to land in the Caribbean Islands.

Revisionists would have us believe that Columbus was the “beginning of the end” for American Indians as he was cited for the mistreatment and exploitation of American Indian people. These revisionists create the clash between the Italians and the American Indians and have sought to create [Indigenous] Peoples’ Day in place of Columbus Day, setting two minority groups against one another. When, in fact, the Italian and the American Indian have lived through atrocities committed against them in the “true” American history, and ethnocentrism applied against both groups … collectively.

With the concept of “Educate, not Eradicate” NAGA stands united with Italian Americans choosing to honor their great visionary from the past. NAGA believes in true factual history (the good, the bad, and the ugly) and not in opinion based on the mood of the landscape or distorted/falsehoods promoted through racial biases.

As small-minded racists attempt to destroy what honorable visionaries create, humanity itself hangs in the balance. Division, hate, and destruction accomplished through disinformation are the only tool of operation for those seeking total dominance.

NAGA takes a stand against cancel culture from destroying histories and culture tied to the United States of America. This statement does not speak for all Native Americans in the United States only the 80 to 90 percent who understand our culture is getting canceled out by all our Indian names and images disappearing.

Eunice Davidson, president of Native American Guardians Association

The Native American Guardians Association (nagaeducation.org) is an American Indian grassroots movement which was founded in June 2017 as a nonprofit with the stated purpose of promoting Native American history and preservation.

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