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M.S.S. Feast, Norristown, Pa.


The M.S.S. Lodge of Norristown celebrated the Feast of their patroness Maria Santissima del Soccorso di Sciacca on Aug. 12 and Aug. 13 at Savior Hall in Norristown.

The Norristown Lodge originated 119 years ago to help poor Italian immigrants who entered Norristown at the turn of the century. The society’s founders named the organization after the Madonna, and promised to continue the centuries old tradition
in their new community in Norristown. The M.S.S. Feast is the oldest Italian Feast in Montgomery County.

From left: Financial secretary Richard Catanese, treasurer BJ Griffin, vice president David Carpani, president Charles Tornetta, recording secretary and feast chairman Jim Catagnus, corresponding secretary John Collier. | PHOTO COURTESY OF CHARLES RUSSO

Charles Tornetta (center) stands with scholarship winners, from left: Matthew Petriga, Gianna Procaccino, Alfredo Viera and John Brocagh Lynn. Back row: Jim Catagnus, Cambria Rose Jones. PHOTO COURTESY OF CHARLES RUSSO

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