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La passeggiata: A time-honored tradition that is not just for people


By Jeanne Outlaw-Cannavo
The passeggiata in Italy is meant to be a slow, pleasurable and often aimless walk through the towns and cities which has been perfected over the centuries by the Italians. It’s a time to enjoy the outdoors and to see and be seen! Nel estate cuando fa caldo (in the summer when it is hot), most Italians wait until the early evening to take a stroll. Nei piccolo paesi (in the smaller towns),
there is often a central meeting point or piazza where young and old gather to stroll or to sit and chiacchierare (chat). Of course, I never passed up the chance to fare una passeggiata (take a walk) with mamma or nonna when we lived in Frosinone or when we were visiting Sicily.
In Frosinone I loved to fare la passeggiata along Via Aldo Moro. If nonna was meeting mamma at la stazione (train station) we would walk there and then I would visit with my friends at the edicola (news stand) while we waited for il treno (the train).
On the weekends we strolled along the via in il centro (the center) and often stopped for gelato (ice cream). We also walked along il lago di Canterno
(Lake Canterno) where many other walkers mi accarezzavano
(pet me) while we all enjoyed i percorsi naturali (the natural trails).
In Sicilia le gente del paese (the people of the town) would stroll around il monumento (the town monument) in the evening. I giovani (the young people) would go around and around the monument or stop to play or talk in the park in the back. Gli adulti (the adults) would sit on benches to talk and watch their neighbors strolling by. Lots of people greeted me and petted me on these walks too!
Qui negli stati uniti facciamo le

passeggiate nel quartiere (here in the United States we take walks in our neighborhood) or nei parchi (in the parks). La mia passeggiata preferita e nel Campeggio (my favorite walks are in the campground) where we follow the trails through the woods. When I get back to the campsite vado nella tenda per riposare (I go right into the tent to rest)! I hope you too find your favorite spot to fare una passeggiata! IAH

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