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Italian vibes abound at the Serafin Summer Music Festival


For lovers of great chamber music, the Serafin Summer Music Festival is fast becoming an event not to be missed.

This year’s fourth annual festival will take place from June 9 to June 25 with performances in both Wilmington and Lewes, Del.

Serafin Ensemble is a group of internationally acclaimed performing artists (string, wind, piano and vocalists) devoted to collaborative chamber music performances.

Kate Ransom, CEO/president of the Music School of Delaware and artistic director of the Serafin Ensemble, knows and appreciates the Italian passion for classical music, and the Serafin Summer Music Festival will include a special evening dedicated to Italy.

The “Italiana!” night will June 16 at 7 p.m., with music from Italian composers or from composers inspired by the beauty of Italy, like Wolf, Boccherini, Rossini, Stravinsky and Bach.

Italy contributed largely to the development and establishment of what we today know as classical music. Anyone who has studied basic musical theory, or simply loves the genre, might have noticed that a great deal of music terminology is in Italian: allegro, lento, molto vivace, moderato, dolce … and we Italians keep the bond with our bel paese also thanks to music.

The photography portraits exhibition “Resonance” by Italian photographer Flavia Loreto will accompany the Serafin festival in Wilmington. The photo exhibition running from May 1 to June 30 is the result of the artistic cooperation between music and photography, and spotlights the resonance of artistic energies that create the perfect connection.

The photo exhibit opening will be on May 3, with remarks by the artist at 5:30 p.m., followed by a reception, with the evening culminating with the Music Masters Concert at 7 p.m. Learn more about the photography exhibit at flavialoretofotografia.com.

The Wilmington location for the Serafin Summer Music festival will be the Music School of Delaware in 4101 Washington St, Wilmington Branch Concert Hall.

For tickets and information about the Serafin Summer Music Festival, visit serafinensemble.org or musicschoolofdelaware.org

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