Mindful of the needs of neighbors, friends and the less fortunate as we face cold weather and diminishing budgets, the Rehoboth Area Chapter of UNICO extends a helping hand to all.
Cathy Stanzione shows one of the T-shirts the UNICO group received from St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
With gatherings to bring members together sharing traditional foods and treats, watching movies in Italian – enjoying the musical sounds of our beautiful language and recalling those who spoke it – we create activities to fund projects to help the homeless and those who need assistance paying for utility bills, food, etc. We have also reinstituted the “Parole del Giorno” – a few Italian words or expressions per meeting to get our members involved – such as benvenuti, buon giorno, buona sera, buona serata, etc.
Our project for February will be the traditional symposium for Cooley’s Anemia. Chapter President Dr. Steven Stanzione, retired oncologist and hematologist, will bring us up to date on advancements in the treatment of this debilitating disease, which our chapter has supported for years and is proud to have helped in the progress of its improvement, along with that of cancer research and St. Jude Children’s Hospital.