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Italian Made Fun & Simple


This week’s lesson is on conjugating regular Italian verbs ending with –ire in the present tense. These verbs are also referred to as 3rd conjugation verbs.

The basic rule for conjugating all three conjugations is the same. That is, remove the three-letter ending and adding various endings to the remaining stem. To illustrate how to conjugate an -ire verb, a math-like equation is our example, but first here are the conjugated endings for -ire verbs:

Subject Pronoun Ending

Io o

Tu i

Lui/Lei e

Noi iamo

Voi ite

Loro ono

To conjugate = infinitive verb – infinitive ending = verb stem + conjugated ending = conjugated verb.

Example: Vedere (To See) – ere = Ved + iamo (ending for we) = Vediamo (We see)

Paertire conjugated in the present tense:

Io Parto I leave

Tu Parti You leave

Lui/Lei Parte He/she/it leaves

Noi Partiamo We leave

Voi Partite Y’all leave

Loro Partono They leave

Note that in the 3nd conjugation that the endings for io, tu,, lui/lei and noi are the same as the 2nd –ere conjugation verbs, respectively o, i, e and iamo. The remaining form of voi, and loro are just a matter of a one letter difference from their corresponding 2nd conjugation –ere verbs.

Try your newly acquired knowledge by filling in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis:

1. Loro ________________ il campanello. (sentire)

2. Il cuoco ________________ le patate. (bollire)

3. Franco ________________ la scatola. (aprire)

4. Io ________________ il caffé alle amiche. (offrire)

5. Voi ________________ la verità. (scoprire)

6. Noi ________________ la finestra. (aprire)

7. Marcantonio ________________ bene. (vestire)

8. Tu ________________ il pericolo. (sfuggire)

9. Voi ________________ oggi. (partire)

10. Io ________________ le bevande. (servire)

Answers to above exercises will appear in the next lesson.

Answers to last month’s-ere 2nd conjugation exercises:

1. Loro perdono sempre, non sono molto bravi.

2. Michaelangelo dipinge.

3. (tu) corri.

4. Layla cresce molto veloce.

5. Ogni volta che chiamo Laura, Giulia e Paola, loro non rispondono.

6. Voi vedete il sole?

7. Mia mamma scrive tante email.

8. Loro leggono tanti libri.

9. Noi vinciamo sempre. 

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