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Italian Lesson – January 2022


Our lesson this month is about the home. For a moment, let’s think about buying a home in Italy. You would need a very specific vocabulary. How would you say “hallway” or “cupboards?”

Whether you’re in a situation like that or you just want to be able to learn more Italian, here’s some vocabulary and phrases to help you have that conversation.

Key Vocabulary
Apartment – l’appartamento
Apartment building – il palazzo
Attic – la soffitta
Balcony – il balcone
Bathroom – il bagno
Bookshelf – lo scaffale
Ceiling – il soffitto
Cellar – la cantina
Door – la porta
Doorbell – il campanello
Elevator – l’ascensore
First floor – il primo piano
Floor – il pavimento
Furnishings – gli arredamenti
Garage – il box
Garden – Il giardino / l’orto
Hallway – l’ingresso
House – la casa
Nursery – la camera dei bambini
Office – l’ufficio
Lamp – la lampada
Penthouse – l’attico
Roof – il tetto
Room – la camera
Staircase – la scala
Study – lo studio
Studio apartment – il monolocale
Terrace – il terrazzo
Wall – la parete
Window – la finestra
Bedroom: “La Camera da Letto”
Bed – il letto
Closet – l’armadio
Nightstand – il comodino
Pillow – il cuscino
Dining Room: La Sala da Pranzo Chair – la sedia
Table – il tavolo
Kitchen: “La Cucina”
Dishwasher – la lavastoviglie
Bowl – la ciotola
Cupboard – Armadietti/ armadietti pensili Fork – la forchetta
Glass – il bicchiere
Knife – il coltello
Refrigerator – il frigorifero
Sink – il lavandino
Spoon – il cucchiaio
Kitchenette – il cucinino
Living Room: “Il Soggiorno/il Salotto”
Armchair – la poltrona
Couch – il divano
Painting – il quadro
Remote – il telecomando
TV – la TV

Key Phrases
Abitiamo al primo piano. – We live on the first floor.
Il palazzo è molto vecchio. – The building is very old.
Non c’è l’ascensore. – There’s no elevator.
Abbiamo appena comprato una nuova casa! – We just bought a new house!
Ci siamo appena spostati in una nuova casa/un nuovo appartamento. – We just moved to a new house/apartment.
La casa ha due stanze da letto e un bagno e mezzo. – The house has two bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths.
Vieni, ti faccio vedere/ti mostro la casa. –Come on, let me give you a tour.
L’appartamento ha tante finestre, quindi c’è molta luce naturale. – The apartment has a lot of windows, which means there is a lot of natural light.
Questa stanza sarà il mio ufficio! –This room will be my office!
La cucina è la mia stanza preferita. –The kitchen is my favorite room.
Andiamo in cucina. – Let’s go to the kitchen.

Many English speakers make the mistake of using the preposition “a” when talking about going to or being in the kitchen. However, in Italian, you must use the preposition “in.”
Passo molto tempo in giardino. – I spend a lot of time in the garden.
Pitturiamo la settimana prossima. – We’re going to paint next week.

If you were painting the walls white, you would use the verb, “imbiancare.”

This month’s falso amico
It is pavimento. This one is really deceiving. It does not mean pavement. It means floor. In Italian pavement is marciapiede.

This month’s proverb
Italiano: Casa mia casa mia, per piccina che tu sia tu mi sembri una badia.
English: My home, my home, tiny as you may be, you seem a palace to me!
English equivalent: There’s no place like home!

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