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Emilia-Romagna finds ‘partner’ in Pennsylvania


Neil Weaver and Stefano Bonaccini at the June 16 signing event.

An agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy to support research, entrepreneurship and trade was made official with a signing on June 16. Some of the aims of the agreement are supporting the collaboration between the industrial clusters of the two territories on life sciences, trade in agricultural products, technology and advanced manufacturing, promoting visits and meetings between entrepreneurs, joint research projects, investments, and joint ventures. The record-growing Emilia-Romagna, particularly in the sectors of life and health science, finds in Pennsylvania an equal partner, at the center of the bio-pharmaceutical northeastern corridor of the United States.

With more than 2,000 companies active in the life sciences sector, Pennsylvania is currently recognized as the “Cellicon Valley” of the United States, which matches the ambition of Emilia Romagna to be the “Data Valley” of Europe. Neil Weaver, acting Secretary of Economic Development in Pennsylvania, and Stefano Bonaccini, president of Emilia Romagna region of Italy, signed the agreement on June 16. The Consul General of Italy in Philadelphia, Cristiana Mele, and the president of Life Sciences Pennsylvania welcomed the event in their remarks, stressing the many similarities between the two areas and the increasing opportunities of cooperation in the immediate future. IAH For more information visit


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