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Ecco l’autunno! It’s autumn!


By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and Sara

Mi piace tanto (me pea-a-chay tan-toe) I love this time of year. L’autunno (law-two-no) is colorful and cool and there are many new things to see and do! When I lived in Frosinone, I didn’t notice the changes in le stagioni (lay sta-joe-nay) the seasons like I do here in Delaware. Now that fall is here, let me raccontarvi (ra-cone-tar-vee) tell you what I like about fall.

Le foglie (lay fol-li-yay) the leaves are beginning to change, and they are così bello (ko-zee bell-low) so beautiful! The trees shine in colors of rosso (ro-so) red, arancia (ah-ran-cha) orange and giallo (ja-low) yellow. I like to run through them when they fall to il terreno (eel tear-a-no) the ground.

I also see lots of scoiattoli (sko-ya-toe-lee) squirrels running around looking for i noci (e no-chee) nuts. Li nascondono (lee na-scone-doe-no) they hide them, so they have plenty of food in the winter. The other day a squirrel came up on nonna’s porch and sat on la tavola (la ta-vo-lah) and ate due ghiande (do-a ghi-an-day) two acorns. The squirrel left un gran casino (oon gran ca-see-no) a big mess!

Mamma and nonna like to decorate theirs houses outside with crisantemi (cree-san-tay-me) chrysanthemums. They also like facendo i giri di fieno (fa-chen-do e jeer-e dee fee-a-no) to take hayrides and walk-through corn mazes.
Le zucche (lay-zoo-kay) pumpkins and le mele (lay mel-a) are popular in the fall. Children get ready to carve and decorate le zucche for Halloween and adults love to eat pumpkin pie. Lots of families like to go to pick apples together.

Best of all, the weather is cooler and I am not so hot during le mie passegiate (lay me-a pas-ay-ja-tay). Soon I will need un maglione (oon ma-yone-a) a sweater when I go outside. Mamma and papa will sit outside around un falò (oon fa-low) a campfire and I will lay on the outdoor couch and fall asleep to the sound of their voices.

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