Where have you gone, Joe DiPinto? You were the standard of an era that is sorely missed: Lifetime employee of the DuPont Co. An elected official who believed in service […]
Ever since I was a kid growing up in Southwest Philly, Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. I remember how it used to be at our home, with my […]
ROME – A 54-year-old man from Busto Arsizio north of Milan was placed under investigation in February on suspicion of pocketing some 700,000 euros from the slot machines he was […]
Through Dec. 17, Knights of Columbus San Salvador Council No. 283 is partnering with the St. Paul Parish Young Adult Ministry in South Philadelphia to run the annual Coats for […]
Philadelphia Festival of Food, Wine & Spirits. Meet actor, producer, writer, winemaker Kurt Russell Tickets Now Available for TASTE! Philadelphia Festival Featuring Chef Demonstrations and a Selection of Premier Wineries, […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and SaraSara loved living in Italy and has many special memories. One of them is thefirst time she celebrated Il Giorno di San Valentino (eel jor-no dee […]
ANSA BRUSSELS – During Italy’s national lockdown, the Italian civil protection department activated the EU’s Copernicus observatory satellite to monitor its territory to check on gathering points and healthcare facilities. […]
By Antonella Sacco When traveling to Italy, a mere mention of the Amalfi Coast invokes a dreamlike vision of lemon trees and crystal turquoise waters. Positano is no doubt one […]
By Charlie Sacchetti In the summer of 1996, my wife, Luann, and I prepared for one of the most stressful events any parent has to endure. Our daughter, Rosanne, had […]
Italian-American Herald REHOBOTH BEACH — St. Edmond Education Center was the site of an exceptional program to support thalassemia (Cooley’s Anemia) research. This disease, which affects many of Mediterranean heritage […]
By Murray Schulman Change is a force that all of us face throughout our lives. Sometimes, we struggle with the entire idea of change. Other times we embrace the changes […]
With the 2002 election of Chirac, newly appointed Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin was authorized to pick up where Jospin, the former prime minister, left off. Why was Raffarin being given […]
By Charlie Sacchetti If any of you think that God has no sense of humor, I invite you to talk to me. At least 60 years ago, probably around the […]
By Frank Cipparone Mid-August in Italy is the time for ferragosto, a national holiday and Catholic observance of the Assumption of Mary into heaven that correlates to the ancient Roman […]
By Murray Schulman I hope that all my friends out there are enjoying their summer. Yes, I said friends. After all the years that you have been following my column, […]
During the Pisan period, prosperity aplenty. By Joe Cannavo The fall of the Roman Empire in the West marked the beginning of centuries of outside occupations of Corsica starting in […]
The precious heirloom of gold is swallowed up by the deep. By Richard A. DiLiberto Jr., Esq. The boy waited for just the right moment, and asked the question, “Daddy, […]
By Charlie Sacchetti Uncle Joe Sacchetti and Aunt Pauline struggled like most families back in the 1950s in an effort to raise their two sons, Chris and Joe Jr. Uncle […]
By Pete Kennedy Paul Panepinto was standing in line for a ride at Disney World when he had an idea about how to improve Philadelphia’s court system. “I’ve been in […]
By Joe Cannavo Recently, while cleaning the clutter in my office, I came upon a British imported pocket-sized Collins English Gem Dictionary. After skimming through the pages, I noticed that […]
The Duomo rises from the famous skyline of Florence. Photo by Robert Klemm Photography, LLC By Drew Ostroski Remember the television commercial that starred “the most interesting man in the […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and Sara Finalmente quasi sta per arrivare l’estate. (It’s finally getting to be summertime). I non- ni e mamma si preparano per andare a visitare i parenti […]
You won’t want to miss a night of Italian music, delicious food & dancing! Please call 856-299-4645 to purchase tickets Hosted by DiPaolo’s Restaurant Date: Saturday, October 7, 2017 Event […]
By Barbara Ann Zippi The Italian community celebrates National Republic Day on June 2. That’s when Italians voted to abolish the monarchy in 1946 so their country could become a […]