Change can be spaventoso (spa-vent-o-so) scary, but anything becomes less scary when you have someone by your side. Last year was pieno (pea-a-no) full of changes for me. I was […]
I have had many wonderful experiences in the brief time since I moved in with my new mamma and papa. I am almost always with Mamma except when she volunteers […]
By Maverick Cannavo Non mi ricordo (non me ree-cord-oh) I don’t remember much of the weeks after I was born but I do remember when they took me away from […]
This month Sara would like to introduce you to her new baby brother Maverick. Anche lui (an-kay lou-e) was abbandonato (a ban-do-na-to) abandoned like she was many years ago. It […]
Mamma and nonna are always on the lookout for a local sagra (sa-gra) food festival when they are searching for a new experience in Italia. Many small towns across Italy […]
Summer’s here and I’m curious about quali giochi (which games) mamma and Zio Roberto played during their summers nella piccolo comune siciliano di Graniti (in the little Sicilian town of […]
Italians love the beach and Italy offers plenty of beautiful beaches! Per i bambini (pair e bam-bee-knee) the children, it’s not just the mare rinfrescante (ma-ray reen-fres-cahn-tay) refreshing sea and […]
Years ago, when I was a little pup, I tried to become an intrattenitore (in-tra-ten-e-tour-a) entertainer in Rome. You’ll find street artists at all the major tourist sites but also […]
By Melissa Cannavo and Sara When I lived in Italy, I went almost everywhere with my family. Not just outside for walks, but into i negozi (e ne-go-zee) the stores, […]
By Sara and Mamma Melissa Cannavo-Marino Sembra che (sem-bra k) It seems like Carnevale was just ieri (e-yair-e) yesterday e gia` sta arrivando Pasqua (a ja sta a-ree-van-do Pas-coo-ah) and […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino with an assist from SaraIt’s Monday morning, there’s still a slight chill in the air and I am happy to be able to just lay around while […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and SaraCiao amici (chow ah-me-chee) Hello friends! I am so excited for the new year because there are so many new adventures to come. Sto vivendo (stow […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and SaraNatale! Christmas! When I was a puppy and didn’t have a home, I was molto triste (mol-toe-tree-stay). Then Mamma found me and took me to her […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and SaraCiao cari lettori (Chow ka-ree let-tory) (Hello dear readers) This month is a time to think about all we can be grateful for and a time […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and SaraMi piace tanto (me pea-a-chay tan-toe) I love this time of year. L’autunno (law-two-no) is colorful and cool and there are many new things to see […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and SaraOne of my favorite things to do when I lived in Italy was to go to festivals with mamma and watch the spettacoli di marionette (marionette […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and Sara When I used to go on trips with mamma and nonna to see una nuova città in Italia (to see a new city in Italy), […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and Sara Did I ever tell you I was born in Italy? Mamma gave me a home when I was just a puppy and I lived with […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and Sara L’estate è arrivata and many of you will be planning trips to parchi di divertimento (amusement parks) to cool off and enjoy exciting rides! If […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and SaraE` maggio (It’s May) Finalmente mamma ha finito (finally mamma has finished) her annual spring cleaning. As she went around la casa (the house) rehanging frames […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and Sara E` primavera. (It’s spring). Il tempo sta cambiando. (The weather is changing). Nonno vuole visitare (wants to visit) some of the sites in “La Ciociaria,” […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and Sara Non posso decidere ancora (I can’t decide yet) which holiday in Italy is my favorite, but io so (I know) that the celebration of Pasquetta […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino (and Sara) I never understood why every fourth Thursday in November, if nonni and Mamma always said they missed Thanksgiving. It seemed just like another day in […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and Sara E` autunno e il tempo i comincia a fare più fresco (It’s autumn) and it the weather is beginning to get cooler and umido (damp) […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino Ah, la stazione! (the train station). Adoro questo posto (I love this place). Ci sono tanti odori buoni (there are lots of good smells) from il bar […]