With spring upon us, we begin thinking of summer and for most of us that means vacationing at the South Jersey shore. In Landisville, N.J., about 30 miles from the […]
Did you know that the only NYPD detective killed outside of the United States was an Italian American? Between the 1880s and 1920s, many Italians emigrated from the Mezzogiorno, the […]
The weather is warming up and it’s time to go outside and explore. Many towns and cities have community parks, and each state has its own parks which offer a […]
In this issue, we look at Italian surnames that begin with the letter S. SANTANGELO – This surname derives from the name of a place dedicated to the Archangel Michael, […]
To be or not to be. Many people ask why the Italian language has two verbs, essere and stare, to express this. Well, there is no why, it just happened […]
Pasqua (Easter) is perhaps the most celebrated holiday in Italy, with La Settimana Santa (Holy Week) rites commencing on Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Sunday. Sicily and Sardinia are […]
We have often been told that America is a country of immigrants, and this immigration lawyer would agree. Although it is commonly taught that we began as children of the […]
Can you imagine still using roads that were built centuries ago? Can you imagine the changes they brought about in society and the magnitude of their construction? The roads of […]
One of the most celebrated characters to strut the stage of modern Italy is the remarkable Gabriele D’Annunzio. He is known as the vate (poet) and profeta (prophet). It is […]
Here’s a nice story that happened at church on a recent Sunday. As we sat behind a lovely family of five, at 7:30 a.m. mass, we couldn’t help but admire […]
Darla and I love to spend time outdoors to run and take walks, but we also love to stare out the window to see what animals are invading our territory. […]
This issue’s surnames column resumes with surnames beginning with the letter R. ROSSI – This surname derives from the nickname “rosso,” meaning red, to indicate someone with red hair. Although […]
It’s been awhile since we have looked at very basic Italian greetings and salutations. So, let’s review some common greetings and the proper way to address people and some common […]
During our last two weeks in Sicily this past fall, we set out to explore previously unvisited villages and cities. First on our list was Punta Secca, on the southwest […]
For the past two years, I was forced to look at a vertical wooden coffin standing in the middle of beautiful, tree-lined Marconi Plaza. Across from the coffin was the […]
Of course, this month’s lesson is dedicated to Valentine’s Day, Italian-style. We begin by citing Italian lovers who are famous throughout history: Paolo and Francesca, the ill-fated pair described in […]
We are skipping our regular alphabetical sequence to examine a few common Italian surnames that relate to Valentine’s Day and terms of love and endearment, for which Italians are well […]
This month’s lesson is the study of clothing with a few useful words and expressions for clothing. With winter upon us, we’ll put a little extra emphasis on your winter […]
Change can be spaventoso (spa-vent-o-so) scary, but anything becomes less scary when you have someone by your side. Last year was pieno (pea-a-no) full of changes for me. I was […]
This issue’s surnames begin with the letter R. RICCARDI – This surname derives from the ancient French first name Richard. It has numerous families with this surname. It is present […]
If I close my eyes, I can vividly recall the emotions, aromas, and flavors of the various holidays from my childhood both in Italy and Philadelphia, to which I immigrated […]
I have heard of La Befana throughout my family and in school. I was incredibly lucky to be able to take a trip to Italy to see all my cousins […]
I have had many wonderful experiences in the brief time since I moved in with my new mamma and papa. I am almost always with Mamma except when she volunteers […]
For obvious reasons, this month’s surname feature focuses historically, directly or indirectly, to Christmas and/or their biblical origins. This month’s feature also confirms that which our regular monthly feature doesn’t […]
Unlike the United States, that generally recognizes Thanksgiving as the day that ushers in the nation’s Christmas holiday season, in Italy “the season opener” can vary depending where in Italy […]