Da Susanna Squellerio Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci nacque il 15 aprile del 1452 ad Anchiano, a tre chilometri da Vinci, poco distante da Firenze. Quando Leonardo venne al […]
There’s not much audience for history when Tony Soprano is grabbing all the ratings By Joe Cannavo You may recall a recent editorial in which I pointed out that for […]
La Pasquetta is a day of leisure, renewal and picnics By Joe Cannavo As one would imagine in a predominantly Roman Catholic country like Italy, Easter Sunday is perhaps the […]
Italian-American Herald CONTESTABILE — This surname is derived from the Italian word for constable. In medieval times it was a title of honor similar to minister. Given that few present-day […]
To date we have been seeing prepositions in our lessons. However, we have not learned much about them and how they are used. The next several lessons will be dedicated […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino Ciao ragazzi, this month I want to tell you about some of the games children here in Italy like to play. Il tempo (the weather) has been […]
Da Susanna Squellerio Nun c’è niente de più bello de na persona in rinascita. Quanno s’ariarza dopo na caduta, dopo na tempesta e ritorna più forte e bella de prima. […]
This month’s surname feature is not in the traditional format, but is instead a list of surnames that are relative to the theme of love and Valentine’s Day. As expressed […]
This month’s lesson deviates from our traditional lesson to one dedicated to Valentine’s Day, Italian-style. Italian lovers are famous throughout history: Paolo and Francesca, the ill-fated pair described in Dante’s […]
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino Mamma, nonna e nonno are molto felici (very happy). Anch’io sono molto felice (I’m very happy, too). Finalmente (finally) fa bel tempo (the weather is nice) and […]
Da Susanna Squellerio Avevo solo quattro anni ma fu tale lo stupore, il sentimento di gioia di vivere e spensieratezza che la canzone “Nel Blu dipinto di Blu” mi trasmise […]
By Joe Cannavo Since 1492, when Christopher Columbus became the first Italian to land on American soil, some 5½ million more of our Italian ancestors have followed this famous Genoese […]
Italian-American Herald CIURCO — This surname derives from the first name Giorgio, deriving from the Greek word gheorgos, which means farmer. Though surnames derived from Greece are not very common, […]
After three lessons dedicated to the various holidays, it’s time to get back on track with regular lessons for learning Italian. Since it’s been such a long period, we thought […]
By Jeanne Outlaw-Cannavo Ciao ragazzi! This month instead of one of my adventures in Italy I would like to tell you about some animal friends that were born and live […]
Da Susanna Squellerio Milano, Stazione Centrale, binario 21, ogni anno, il 27 gennaio, sin dal 2000, un folto gruppo di rispettosi cittadini di diverse età, si da appuntamento. In silenzio, […]
By Gabe Spadaccini Family. Respect. Beauty. Time. These are all core values in Italian culture. As a young Italian American who grew up in America, it can be easy to […]
Resolve to keep traditions of our ancestors alive all through the year By Joe Cannavo In my last editorial I urged my readers to put aside the urge to hit […]
By Joe Cannavo Growing up in an immigrant home in the ’50s and ’60s, I recall that Santa Claus never appeared in public until the Thanksgiving Day Parade. And the […]
CIARLARIELLO — This surname derives from the Italian verb “ciarlare,” meaning chatting too much. Ancestors of these present families may have been noted for being chatty. It is present in […]
Starting with the first Sunday of Advent, which this year started on Nov. 27, and running through Epiphany on Jan. 6, Italy’s winter holiday season has numerous minor and major […]
By Jeanne Outlaw-Cannavo As Christmas approaches Sara recalls her first her first trip to America. Something is going on! There is lots of hustle and bustle in our house, all […]
Da Susanna Squellerio Quando mi è stato proposto di scrivere quest’articolo, sono stata assalita da una sorta di smarrimento. “Tutti o nessuno, Santa Lucia deve essere ricordata e omaggiata per […]
By Barbara Ann Zippi Focusing on a community of Italian-American military veterans, the Delaware County Veterans Memorial in Newtown Square paid respects over Columbus Day Weekend by presenting the Inaugural […]
The Mercer County (N.J.) Italian American Festival Association marked a milestone recently with the unveiling of a statue depicting a World War II soldier coming to the aid of a […]