With February being the love month, I would like to take this opportunity to share some of the reasons I love Italy throughout the year from my travel experiences. My […]
In 1530, the King of Spain ceded the island of Malta to the Knights of St. John. The Knights were not formed by the Republic of Malta nor the Armed […]
As told by Maverick and Darla Not too long ago when Nonna visited we were playing with our toys, running around outside, and wrestling together when Mamma said, “I think […]
The city of Turin, Italy, will host the Special Olympics World Winter Games from March 8 to 15. Italy has hosted regular Olympics games which are held every four years […]
For Valentine’s Day alla italiana we offer some background and vocabulary to use with loved ones. Italian lovers are famous throughout history: Paolo and Francesca, the ill-fated pair described in […]
Buon Anno from Italy. Happy New Year to all! If you are planning to visit il bel paese in 2025 for the first time or are returning for another taste […]
One could hardly hope for a better coming together of talents: Ken Burns, one of America’s most talented documentary filmmakers, takes on arguably the man of the last millennium: Leonardo […]
Malta remained under German rule from 1194 until 1266 in a period where western influence diminished the imprint of the Muslim population. The population continued to grow with immigrants arriving […]
Qualche settimana fa (kwal-k-seh-tee-mah-na fa) Just a few weeks ago we went with mamma, papà and i nostril nonni (e no-stree no-knee) our grandparents to watch the tree lighting in […]
Our lesson this month is more historical in nature rather than the traditional grammar/syntax format. While learning the Italian ancestral language has become the goal of many Italian Americans, learning […]
In 336 A.D, the Roman Emperor Constantine decided to honor the birth and teachings of Jesus Christ as Romans honored the God Saturn during the pagan feast of Saturnalia. This […]
When asked to think about Italian food, people imagine the sight of tomatoes, basil and olive oil blending together on a warm bruschetta, or the steam rising from a plate […]
During the latter stages of World War II, thousands of Italian soldiers were captured by the Allies in North Africa and Sicily. They were sent as prisoners of war to […]
When you think of Rome, the pope and Vatican City often come to mind. But the Italian capital is also home to one of the most historic and vibrant Jewish […]
In the years just before the era known as the Middle Ages, Malta was involved in the Byzantine-Arab Wars from the 7th to 11th centuries. The conquest of Malta is […]
Did you know that Nutella is a made-up name? Did you know that coffee is cheaper than you think, and it’s against the law to ask for a cappuccino after […]
L’albero (lal-bear-o) the tree is going up and mamma is hanging those shiny balls on i rami (e rah-me) the branches. Darla and I are on the couch and we […]
While working as a sommelier and living in New York City, at least once a week, I nosed a glass of the best-vintage this or that from the world’s most […]
Christmas season is upon us and like you, I am thinking about entertaining throughout the month. My focus this year isn’t only on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The menus […]
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what is the worth of a book? Books are valuable in that they help us escape from our everyday lives and […]
Around 700 B.C., the Ancient Greeks settled on Malta, predominantly in the area where the capital city of Valletta is located. A century later Phoenician traders who used the islands […]
Italy is well known for its geographical beauty and diversity, but part of the charm of living in Italy, or on its numerous islands, is the danger that is ever […]
Italy’s pride was on full display in Philadelphia on Aug. 12 when the Italian Air Force, also known as the Frecce Tricolori, flew in formation over Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The […]