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Can you keep Christmas in your heart every day?


fotolia_31514317_subscription_monthly_mIt wouldn’t solve all the problems,  but the world would be a better place.

By Joe Cannavo

This time of year can get pretty hectic. Everyone’s getting ready for Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year! Unfortunately it has also taken on the theme of “’Tis the season  to hit the malls and of celebrating commercialization.” While gift-giving, strolling the malls, and festive  merry-making are part of what makes the holiday season fun, it sometimes takes away from the real meaning of the season. That is to reflect back on the past year, and for most Italians and Italian-Americans to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and what it means to share goodwill with all people regardless of their ethnicity, race or religion, and to keep alive a hope for peace in a world shrouded in turmoil.

Too often on the morning of Dec. 26 or when the last string band struts down Broad Street on New Year’s Day, what the meaning of this holy season is all about comes to an abrupt end. This coming year why not make a resolution to keep the spirit of the holiday meaningful all year long?  If everyone would make that effort, it might not solve the world’s problems, but it certainly would make the world a better place.

Remember also those less fortunate. Again we often get so wrapped up in the commercialization of Christmas that we don’t think of those many unfortunate people who might be bad off through no fault of their own. It doesn’t take a lot of time or money to bring a toy to a “Toys for Tots” drop-off location  or bring a non-perishable food item to a food bank.

On behalf of the staff and management of the Delaware Valley Italian-American  Herald, buon Natale e felice anno nuovo.

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